Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Das Essen ist hier natürlich nur symbolisch. Kannst du von einem ..... - BeFree Liebesschule

Of course, the food here is only symbolic. Can you from a .....

Of course, the food here is only symbolic. Can you expect a starving person to just smell a delicious hearty meal? And that unfortunately happens very often with physical love. The starved person should then, for example, only exchange cuddles and tenderness or practice the tantric silent union. I've experienced that first-hand enough. In fact, as far as physical love is concerned, I was starving at the time, as I said in the live video "Lustwunder". Sometimes we seem to need extreme situations to free ourselves from prisons of our own making. Do you know this situation too? Or are you more the person holding the delicious food in your hands? #Tantra, #Love, #Starved, #Desire, #Appetite, #Hunger