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Ein ganz normaler Webinartag für mich!!! Wie sieht er aus? Ich ha..... - Befree Tantra Shop

A normal webinar day for me!!! what does he look like I have.....

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A normal webinar day for me!!! what does he look like I started my meditation like every day. After that (only now) is my late breakfast and today, for once, a walk to relax right after I sent the webinar link. In the afternoon it's time to wash your hair and the final technical check. And of course, I get excited every now and then. I check my presentation again and the important points that I definitely don't want to forget. Then there is a short coffee break before I send out the last reminder just before the start at 7 p.m. During the webinar I'm completely in my world - and I'm really looking forward to it. But I also know that I will take a deep breath afterwards. Because almost four months of an intensive "marathon" lie behind me. I conquered new territory almost every day - it's incredible what I've learned. It feels a bit like I've discovered America. Yes, a bit of the joy of Columbus discovery is actually spreading through me. So, so that I don't get bogged down, I'll get to work! I wish you a great day!