Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Neben der herkömmlichen zielorientierten (orgasmusfixierten) körp..... - BeFree Liebesschule

In addition to the conventional goal-oriented (orgasm-fixated) body.....

In addition to the conventional goal-oriented (orgasm-fixated) physical love, there is the subtle encounter that does more justice to the female side in man and woman: the gentle sexual union enables making love without an erection. The tantric knowledge makes it possible to be together in deep relaxation without the compulsion to "do" something. The effect is very beneficial for both male and female sex centers suffering from over-tension. And beyond that, with regular practice, also for the love between the two. Sounds exciting? Then read more about it at https://befree-tantra.de/tantra-liebesschule-online/sanfte-vereinigung Have you ever heard of the gentle union? Or maybe even tried it yourself? ✨😊