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Who wants to experience embarrassing things? We usually avoid...

I've already posted a number of things about gentle union. On ..... Reading Who wants to experience embarrassing things? We usually avoid... 2 minutes Next I wish you all a wonderful and .....
Who wants to experience embarrassing things? We usually avoid embarrassment like the plague. It can be a gateway to truth and freedom. Isn't it embarrassing to tell someone he or she has bad breath? Or say during sex, for example, that it hurts and doesn't make you want to? Or expressing your own fear that you don't find yourself sexually attractive? Or tell someone that he/she is attracted to me? Such questions could be asked thousands. But they are only intended to make it clear to you a little bit what we are holding back so that we are not confronted with bad feelings, unease, i.e. with embarrassment. In the picture for the post you can see the gate of embarrassment that we often set up at seminars. It is used directly by some participants. For most it is just a kind of memorial: Namely for being honest and authentic during the encounters at the seminar and expecting others to be exactly what you really are. All "acting as if" is allowed to fade so that we can make open and truthful dealings with one another possible. And yes: for this it is often necessary to step through the inner gate of embarrassment. Behind it, a sigh of relief and a piece of regained freedom await. Before that, it's a feeling of having to "die" or, as we know it colloquially, sinking into the ground. But we don't have to go to seminars to finally be able to be ourselves. Just ask yourself, where are you avoiding the gate of embarrassment in your life right now? What needs to be said or shown? What truth could ever come to the table? How are you really doing and who would it be important to express that to? Maybe today or tomorrow you will bravely walk through the gate of embarrassment. As long as your communication is respectful and kind, there is some kind of blessing waiting behind it for you. Would you like to report something about it or share why you don't dare?