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Eine der 5 Tantramassagen, die bei BeFree Tantra gelehrt und prak..... - BeFree Liebesschule

One of the 5 tantra massages taught and practiced at BeFree Tantra.....

One of the 5 tantra massages that are taught and practiced at BeFree Tantra is the lingam massage for men. The whole body is touched in a healing way, and the man's sex center gets a lot of unintentional love and attention. Pressure to perform and old injuries can be resolved in this way. A new sensuality characterized by mindfulness and respect is awakened. The old power struggle over sexuality melts away - maybe even completely, when the adoration of men gets a permanent place in love. So much rejection and devaluation is in the pleasure pores of men. And we women can help healing happen. You can find more information about the lingam massage in my new blog: https://befree-tantra.de/blog/lingammassage. There you will also be forwarded to further information and instructions for the lingam massage if required. As a man, do you have experience with receiving a lingam massage? Have you given Linga massages as a woman? And how did you do with that? As always, I welcome comments and reactions.