Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Benutzt du manchmal auch zukünftige Hoffnung, um dich vom gegenwä..... - BeFree Liebesschule

Do you sometimes use future hope to separate yourself from the present.....

Excellent! I now have my own blog on my website. He i..... Reading Do you sometimes use future hope to separate yourself from the present..... 2 minutes Next After so many days, my Valentine's Day bouquet has only .....
Do you sometimes use future hope to cut yourself off from present happiness? Or about things that are pending now? Do you know these excuses? "Once....." * the children are grown up * the house is paid off * retirement age begins "...then I will...." But most of the time it doesn't come to that. I know people who miscalculated in this way and had to bury their dreams. Retirement age came and health no longer allowed travel. What else can you do today, now, on this day to please yourself and make yourself happy? A little act of love for yourself every day instead of drowning in duties and to-do lists would be a whole new life. I like to tell the mayfly story. If you only had one day like her (and in fact none of us know how many days we have left), what would you do today? Who would you (finally) tell you love or like? Do not postpone your happiness to the future. But just open the door to you and your life for him today and every day.