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Accusations are actually poison for a relationship. They harden the.....

For many people, the dark season of the year is one out..... Reading Accusations are actually poison for a relationship. They harden the..... 1 minute Next If a man is able to touch a woman's heart, she opens it.....

Reproaches are actually poison for a relationship. They harden the fronts and create distance and times of separation between lovers. However, fairly quickly after falling in love, accusations begin to sprout and sometimes grow uncontrollably. This puts love at risk. But one can also spin straw into gold, as is so beautifully shown to us in the fairy tale: reproaches, which are plentiful anyway, can become good compost material for the blossoming of the love plant. In the pdf you will learn how: https://befree-tantra.de/fileadmin/pdf/BeFreeTantra-Vorwuerfe-in-Wuensche-verwandeln-neu.pdf

How do you feel when your partner blames you? Can you turn reproaches into clear requests?