Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Das kommt gar nicht so selten vor. Frauen berichten jedenfalls im..... - BeFree Liebesschule

That doesn't happen all that rarely. In any case, women report in.....

It's not that rare. In any case, women are reporting it more and more often. The sex goes by so quickly that the woman's lust doesn't keep up. HE blissfully falls asleep afterwards and sometimes even gives HER a snoring concert.

Some women then help themselves, next to their partner or in another room. This is not uncommon. According to a study by the erotic community Joyclub, 71 percent of the 2,000 women surveyed have masturbated next to their sleeping partner.

How do you feel about this information as a man? And as a woman: Do you know that your partner falls asleep faster than you would like? How do you feel then? Can you address it or do you hope next time it will be better?