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Eigentlich für eine Tantralehrerin kaum vorstellbar: Laut der Stu..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Hardly imaginable for a tantra teacher: according to the st.....

Actually hard to imagine for a tantra teacher: according to the study, women and men between the ages of 18 and 35 have sex about 5 times a month. Between the ages of 36 and 55, there are four more times. No, not per week! Per month!
Singles had significantly fewer physical pleasures than couples. But even of those in a committed relationship, 20 percent had not had sex at all in the past month.
If you know how much physical love contributes to a person's sexual health, to stress prevention and to a quality of life and more joie de vivre, then the picture is more likely dubious. Or am I wrong there? As a tantra teacher, I may assume completely different assumptions. So dear ones, what do you think of that?