Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Warum soll ich meinem Liebsten überhaupt zeigen, was ich möchte? ..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Why should I even show my loved one what I want? .....

Why should I even show my loved one what I want? Shouldn't he just read my eyes? Unfortunately that doesn't work. That's why it's really good for women when they take on responsibility. And of cour...
Ich freue mich, heute mein erstes Live Video auszuprobieren und b..... - Befree Tantra Shop

I'm excited to try my first live video today and b.....

I'm looking forward to trying out my first live video today and of course I'm a bit excited and curious, mainly to see if everything works technically. You will learn how to convey your physical d...
Irgendwie ist mein Post zum Tantrakloster verschwunden, samt Eure..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Somehow my post about the tantra monastery disappeared, along with yours.....

Somehow my post about the tantra monastery disappeared, along with your great comments. Luckily I had it somewhere else. So here he is again: I invented the tantra monastery many years ago and int...
Das Tantrakloster habe ich schon vor vielen Jahren erfunden und i..... - Befree Tantra Shop

I invented the tantra monastery many years ago and i.....

I invented the tantra monastery many years ago and integrated it into my tantra seminars, even if others have borrowed the term in the meantime. For years I practiced tantra diligently and at the ...
Erst im Mai letzten Jahres habe ich angefangen, mich um die Socia..... - Befree Tantra Shop

It wasn't until May last year that I started looking after the social.....

It wasn't until May last year that I started taking care of social media. I mainly became active on Facebook and am happy to post something interesting about love, desire, partnership, meditation e...

Now I created the post as an event. This causes.....

Now I created the post as an event. As a result, it appears here twice, unfortunately. sorry The text for the content of the live video can be found in the larger post.
Es ist soweit: Am Samstag traue ich mich, mein erstes Live-Video ..... - Befree Tantra Shop

The time has come: On Saturday I dare, my first live video.....

The time has come: On Saturday I dare to make my first live video. And of course one of my favorite topics: "As a woman, how do I show a man which touches I like?" You will find out what helps and ...
Kannst du dir ein Leben vorstellen, in dem du niemanden angreifst..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Can you imagine a life where you don't attack anyone...

Can you imagine a life where you don't attack anyone and never feel attacked? What about that? Paradise, isn't it? According to A Course in Miracles®, this inner state exists beyond attack and def...
Soeben habe ich ein Riesenprojekt beendet. Drei ganze Jahre lang ..... - Befree Tantra Shop

I just finished a huge project. For three whole years.....

I just finished a huge project. I've been working on my website for three whole years, which now has 420 pages! When I started in March 2018, I had the feeling that I didn't just have to renovate ...
In Liebesdingen und besonders wenn es um die eigenen Bedürfnisse ..... - Befree Tantra Shop

In matters of love and especially when it comes to one's own needs.....

In matters of love and especially when it comes to one's own sexual needs, women, who are usually so talkative, often fall silent. Feelings of shame and a lack of sexual self-esteem leave them spee...
Kennst du das auch? Eine Idee schwirrt dir durch den Kopf und läs..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Do you know that, too? An idea buzzes through your head and lets you.....

Do you know that, too? An idea buzzes through your head and won't let you go. But whenever you try to implement them, it just won't work. And suddenly it happens: You are in the middle of the impl...
Als Frau kannst du eine Muttertochter oder eine Vatertochter sein..... - Befree Tantra Shop

As a woman, you can be a mother's daughter or a father's daughter...

As a woman, you can be a mother's daughter or a father's daughter. What is the difference? And what does that mean for your life and your loved ones? A father's daughter is a woman who has always ...