Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Als Frau kannst du eine Muttertochter oder eine Vatertochter sein..... - Befree Tantra Shop

As a woman, you can be a mother's daughter or a father's daughter...

As a woman, you can be a mother's daughter or a father's daughter. What is the difference? And what does that mean for your life and your loved ones? A father's daughter is a woman who has always ...
Passend zum Frühlingsbeginn erheitere ich euch mit dem Witz vom k..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Matching the beginning of spring, I cheer you up with the joke of the k.....

Matching the beginning of spring, I'll cheer you up with the joke about the little hangover. I tinkered it into a small video (which I'm already good at!!!) and hope to please you with it. Feel fr...
Angeregt durch meine Nichte, die gerade kreative Arbeiten macht, ..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Stimulated by my niece who is doing some creative work at the moment.....

Stimulated by my niece, who is currently doing creative work, I have dealt with the topic of past - present and future. As an example of "before-now-after" I photographed my husband's slippers. Bu...
Fast alle Menschen bewegen sich mehr oder weniger im Hamsterrad d..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Almost all people move more or less in the hamster wheel d.....

Almost all people move more or less in the hamster wheel of busyness. How about you? I know the hamster wheel very well. And if I hadn't been stopping and doing little meditations throughout the d...
In jüngeren Jahren habe ich für einige Zeit in einem spirituellen..... - Befree Tantra Shop

When I was younger I was in a spiritual...

When I was younger I lived in a spiritual center for some time. There was a lot of meditation there and spirituality was the most important thing. For this, sexuality was suppressed (sublimated). A...
Hurra! #ichbindabei. Ich habe mich gestern für den Masterkurs bei..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Hooray! #Count me in. I signed up yesterday for the Masters course at...

Hooray! #Count me in. Yesterday I registered for Katrin Hill's master's course. And I'm really happy that I get help to revise or create my pleasure course and other online courses. It starts next ...
Sicherlich kennst du das auch: Du willst etwas erzählen, und daue..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Surely you know that too: You want to tell something, and wait.....

Surely you know that too: You want to tell something and you keep being interrupted. You may even end up giving up your desire to communicate altogether. There are not very many people who can rea...
Die Kommunikation ist das A & O einer erfüllenden Beziehung. ..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Communication is the be-all and end-all of a fulfilling relationship. .....

Communication is the be-all and end-all of a fulfilling relationship. Unfortunately, many people get caught up in the undergrowth of accusations, blame, attacks, or even insults. Then the other pe...
Nach so vielen Tagen hat sich mein Valentinstag-Strauß erst zur v..... - Befree Tantra Shop

After so many days, my Valentine's Day bouquet has only .....

After so many days, my Valentine's Day bouquet has only unfolded to its full glory. On Valentine's Day itself, he looked a little puny. And now 8-9 days later he has completely conquered my heart. ...
Benutzt du manchmal auch zukünftige Hoffnung, um dich vom gegenwä..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Do you sometimes use future hope to separate yourself from the present.....

Do you sometimes use future hope to cut yourself off from present happiness? Or about things that are pending now? Do you know these excuses? "Once....." * the children are grown up * the house is...
Super! Ich habe jetzt einen eigenen Blog auf meiner Website. Er i..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Excellent! I now have my own blog on my website. He i.....

Excellent! I now have my own blog on my website. It has recently been activated. And there I now have more options to write something for you on sensitive topics for FB. Of course, I would be happy...
Eine der 5 Tantramassagen, die bei BeFree Tantra gelehrt und prak..... - Befree Tantra Shop

One of the 5 tantra massages taught and practiced at BeFree Tantra.....

One of the 5 tantra massages that are taught and practiced at BeFree Tantra is the lingam massage for men. The whole body is touched in a healing way, and the man's sex center gets a lot of uninten...