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Gerade habe ich in Erinnerungen gebadet. Hier seht ihr mich als j..... - Befree Tantra Shop

I was just bathing in memories. Here you see me as j.....

I was just bathing in memories. Here you can see me as a young mother and my only son, who is now 36 years old (you can see us together in the last picture today). I am very lucky to have such a wo...
Manchmal verfolgen uns unsere Fehler Jahre oder sogar ein Leben l..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Sometimes our mistakes haunt us for years or even a lifetime l.....

Sometimes our mistakes haunt us for years or even a lifetime. Or mistakes that others made and from which we suffered. However, any error can be corrected. Just like with arithmetic problems or in...
Es tut mir leid, dass beim gestrigen Post der Film nicht funktion..... - Befree Tantra Shop

I'm sorry that the film didn't work in yesterday's post.....

I'm sorry the movie didn't work on yesterday's post. And I was so proud of myself for putting the post together all by myself. Well... So here it is again...
Viele Frauen tun sich nicht leicht damit, im Bett die Führung zu ..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Many women do not find it easy to take the lead in bed.....

Many women don't take it easy when it comes to taking the lead in bed. But rarely does the man lead in a way that makes them happy and fulfilled. An easy way to learn to lead physically is to lead ...
Über die Unlust der Frau wurde schon viel geschrieben. Doch mehr ..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Much has been written about women's unhappiness. But more .....

Much has been written about women's unhappiness. But more and more it turns out that lustful women also have to reckon with rejection in bed. While men seem to be able to deal with female rejectio...
Dieser Satz hat mir in schwierigen Lebensphasen schon oft geholfe..... - Befree Tantra Shop

This sentence has often helped me in difficult phases of life.....

This sentence has often helped me in difficult phases of life and, at least in retrospect, it turned out to be correct. I don't even remember where I know him from. As a very young woman, for exam...
Auferstehung von Corona an Ostern? Jedenfalls hoffe ich das sehr...... - Befree Tantra Shop

Resurrection of Corona at Easter? Anyway, I really hope so......

Resurrection of Corona at Easter? At least I really hope so. All tantra seminars have been canceled since autumn. And we look forward with confidence to Easter, Pentecost and the many summer semina...
Männer und Frauen bekommen im dritten Schritt der Vorbereitung de..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Men and women get in the third step of the preparation of the.....

In the third step of preparing for tantric breathing, men and women now get separate breathing exercises, which are explained in detail in the video. They are quite simple, even if it may seem comp...
In "Ein Kurs in Wundern®" heißt es: "Jeder Angriff ist ein Angrif..... - Befree Tantra Shop

In "A Course in Miracles®" it says: "Every attack is an attack.....

A Course in Miracles® says, "Every attack is an attack on myself." Or: Conflict always weakens you first. I can confirm that. When there is thick air, I feel uncomfortable. Any anger gnaws at me a...
Dass man vieles lernen kann, habe ich ja schon durch meine Arbeit..... - Befree Tantra Shop

I already know that you can learn a lot through my work.....

I have already experienced several times through my work as a tantra teacher and in my long love relationship with my husband that one can learn a lot. Even things that are not so easy to do from t...
https://befree-tantra.de/tantra-liebesschule-online/orgasmus-frau..... - Befree Tantra Shop


https://befree-tantra.de/tantra-liebesschule-online/orgasmus-frau-beitraege For more than 12 years I have been offering an online course for women "Lust and Orgasmic Happiness". In this way, women ...
Frauen klagen in meinen Seminaren oft, dass sie im Bett den Vorga..... - Befree Tantra Shop

In my seminars, women often complain that in bed they don't pret.....

In my seminars, women often complain that they follow the man's instructions in bed and then the lovemaking becomes too fast or too violent. They don't know how to change that and keep participatin...